Concierge Services

Orchestrating treatment is a daunting challenge.

We help you get it done.

The most difficult aspect of being an operator who is struggling has to do with understanding what is going on, and then having the courage to ask for help. We are hearing story after story about operators reaching out for help and either being denied, or becoming intensely dejected by the dysfunction of government run health care and/or the accessibility and cost of civilian health care. This unfortunate reality has a profoundly negative impact on the ability and desire for operators to chase down support and treatment. This is why we have chosen to have a different approach to helping operators. We seek to provide a support system reminiscent of an experience received from the operators’ time in service. Our intention is to provide a platoon or team approach. We believe that if there is a dedicated support person to help each operator through all phases of their diagnosis, assessment, logistical guidance, and understanding required treatment protocols, then the likelihood of an operator following through increases exponentially.

The ‘Concierge Medical Service’ program is designed to be proactive in the ongoing and continual support required to get operators back to a genuine sense of wellbeing. The extensive nature of Operator Syndrome requires an expert to have the capacity to assess, evaluate, and provide critical information for medical and mental health diagnoses, as well as to provide strategic planning and guidance for the operator to navigate the difficulties of long term health care. It is critical to understand that our partner programs will have vetted medical and mental health capabilities prior to being accepted into our programs. Because of this unique and substantial challenge, we are always looking to develop partnerships in providing our concierge services.